
Let's Fight!!!

We were out to dinner Friday night and I discovered a new rage - literally. Young guys in their 20s pay to fight! And people pay to watch them! And the girls dress up to the nines in slinky sequined dresses, like they were going to a party. Each guy has coaches and body guards and personal medics. And their own "Rocky" music. Do you believe this????? I am thinking that this has been going on for ever now and I'm just getting in the know. How did my sons make it past this phase of feeling their oats?


Hot Chicks

My “Diners’ Club” friends and I gathered around the kitchen table a few weeks ago, sorting through dozens and dozens of pictures taken over the years, over the last 30 years. I was struck by the younger pictures of us. We are and were five ordinary women who gathered together because we shared one thing in common – we were all single mothers. We were all around the same age, over a ten-year gap. Our children are around the same age, over pretty much the same ten-year gap.

I say “ordinary” but when I saw a photo of us taken in 1993, we were anything but ordinary. Those five women were HOT. I never really thought of myself that way. But there we were, dressed to the nines for our Christmas dinner, gorgeous legs, beautiful smiles, huge brilliant eyes, silky touchable hair. Hot. Hot. Hot.

Our history is ripe and full. We’ve gone into and out of relationships. We have raised our children with no little chaos, but they cleaned up well as adults. We shared grief, joy, announcements, marriage, adoption, new jobs, old jobs, strife, and successes. We have been written about twice! First Becky Nappi wrote about us in 1993, then 15 years later, Cindy Hval wrote about us. (here)

We are meeting tonight at Cedars in Coeur d’Alene. If you are there, we will be the five extraordinary women over in the corner – we are loud, laughing, talking, sharing secrets, ogling each other’s face or eyes or hair or blouse. We won’t notice you but if you stop by, we will wrap you in our friendship. We are definitely not ordinary.
