
The Naked Habit

I admit it, I need help. I need one of those support groups for bad behavior. Something like this:

“Hi, my name is Jeanie, and I’m a procrastinator.”

I live for the future. There is always tomorrow. Scarlett O’Hara has nothing on my abilities to put off today, what can be done tomorrow because tomorrow is always another day.

Until this last couple of weeks. The snow and being snowed in has provided just the opposite of scenarios for planning my daily tasks. The snow has shouted “There is NO tomorrow.”

I have always thought of myself as organized, that everything is prearranged and well thought-out. Case in point: my Christmas cards. I had planned finishing up my Christmas cards on Friday the 18th because my boss would be out of town and I would have free slots of time to label envelopes, fold already printed letters, and write quick notes to everyone.

And then it snowed. It snowed a lot. I had a snow day on Thursday. But I felt content in the knowledge that I still had Friday. After all – this was the first snow day in 35 years. Naturally it would abate enough for me to get to work on Friday and get my cards out.

Friday it was another snow day. And I have been pretty much snow bound ever since, which overlapped into my **prearranged** and **preplanned** vacation, scheduled through to the 5th of the New Year.

Did I learn my lesson? (The lesson to “live in the now” as if there is NO tomorrow) Nope. Sunday was my laundry day – and I live in a house with no laundry services. I was *planning* on going to the Laundromat Sunday but for some reason, that procrastinator gene popped up and said, “Hey! You can get out on the roads today! Why not go shopping! Why do chores! You can do the laundry TOMORROW.”

And this morning I am once again snowed in and the snow isn’t stopping. EVER. It will snow tomorrow, too, but since there is no tomorrow, that means it is going to snow FOREVER.

I have no clean clothes. (I have an abundance of clean underwear because you never know when something unplanned might happen.) No clean jeans, no clean shirts, lots of cotton underwear.

So, uh, I am planning on attending my Procrastinator’s Anonymous meetings in the future but since I’m trying to rehabilitate myself, live in the now, I might not make it. I’d go tonight, but I’m snowed in, so . . .

Tomorrow is another day. Maybe.


MarmiteToasty said...

I have put off much this week until tomorrow and then tomorrow comes and I put it off until tomorrow and now there is only one day left before I go back to work with 13 nippers plus a new 5 month old baby starting and I have put so much off that tomorrow is not enough time to get everything sussed and sorted so now Im in a right proper pickle and stressed LOL


sHUTTING oUt tHE sUN said...

be patient...make a come back.. stand firm..